Tuesday, November 25, 2008

End of the alphabet

If we can conquer
space, we can conquer
childhood hunger.
--- Buzz Aldrin
We are at the end of the alphabet. I don't know how many of you have noticed, but I have been going through the alphabet picking words to describe each day. We are at Z today. Did anyone look up yesterday's word? Yauld? (origin unknown) chiefly Scot (1786): Vigorous. Energetic.
I guess I am just another statistic because my friend and I really enjoyed Twilight! We were like "what are we 16?" :o) Now we will have to read the books and anxiously await the next movie.
Today, we are heading over to the store, although I have no expectations of getting anything done! I would like to hang the Christmas lights and put up the garland on the outside windows (there are 6 storefronts) but I will take each moment as it comes along and not get stressed! Hope all of you can do the same today as Thanksgiving dinner fastly approaches and you are wondering "can I get it all done and still be sane and enjoy?" Please do. I know, easy for me to say as I am not cooking dinner that day. :o)
Today's poem:

by Frank B. Whitney

That which your God requires of you---
'tis easy work for you:
He asks but this one simple thing:
that you be ever true,
He asks of you to think His Truth,
be true to Him and man,
Be ever thinking, living Truth---
be true as e'er you can.
God would that you be true to Him
and in return gives you
The best He has of heaven's wealth.
'Tis little that you do:
You think His Truth about yourself---
with health He compensates;
You think the Truth about His love---
He sets you free from hates.
God asks but that you think His Truth
and your reward bestows
Upon you as your peace and joy.
Along your way He goes.
God asks but that you think a thought---
but that thought must be Truth---
And in return He gives you wealth
and love and health and youth.

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