Saturday, December 27, 2008


He is a wise man who does
not grieve for the things
which he has not, but
rejoices for those which he has.
--- Epictetus
My new mantra for 2009. :o)

Above postcard postmarked 1930
No message, just signed
"From Laurel and Shirley"

Did everyone have a nice Christmas holiday? We did. Mike and I left on Wednesday afternoon to head down to his parents in Walnut Creek. His sister Terri came up from Lancaster a day earlier so it was the 5 of us. I received several gifts from my dear sister-in-law Terri (I'll picture later), but my favorites included a large sign INSPIRE (which I will either cover in glitter or seashells or maybe both!) and the new "magazine" book "Where Women Create". I am hoping to finally finish my office/studio this year and maybe these will be just the things I need to push me over the top! You see, my studio is painted and I have many pieces of furniture, shelves, etc. to help me get organized, but I just haven't been able to get with the program and do it ! (I think that is a common feeling?) As I am feeling better physically and mentally maybe it will actually happen this year! I am hopeful! THANKS AGAIN Dear Terri ! (I am just thinking I didn't get a picture of her.....dang! Actually I think there is one from Thanksgiving so I will post that one tomorrow :o) On Friday, we headed over to Elk Grove (south of Sacramento) to my Dad's to see my brother, Anthony who was out from Kansas City. He moved there in April for his job and will need to stay until at least this July. I think he would prefer to be in California, but it is working for now. It was great seeing him, even for a couple of hours. We met at Chevy's for a late lunch and had planned to head home after, but we ended up sticking around town. Mike, Linnea (my stepmom) and I went to a couple of cute gift/antique stores and I found more old and new bottle brush trees for my collection. Later, we went to dinner again at Vince's (more fried artichoke hearts!) with just my Dad and Linnea which was nice. We got home last night around 11:30 pm.

Anthony, Mike and my little niece, Reyna (Anthony's daughter) She is a sweetie! She is living in California and misses her Daddy so much.

This is Bo, one of my in-laws cats.....taking a nap!
Another old postcard, no date.

Back of postcard to "Baby"


This is my darling Goddaughter Chelsea
and her boyfriend Cameron,
taken last Saturday night
at our girlfriends get-together.
My flash didn't go off so I tried to
lighten the picture a bit.

Another darling is Stephanie,
my girlfriend Phyllis's oldest,
shown with her beau, Sam,
taken the same night,
but inside with the flash!
Stephanie and Chelsea were
born in 1991, 2 months apart.
I have big plans for 2009, but I have said that for the past 8 years and feel like I haven't really done anything. We will see how far I get this year! I hope everyone's plans come to pass and that we all are blessed with perfect health, energy and glad contentment to enjoy our lives, do the things we are meant to do and help others do the same.

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