Thursday, February 5, 2009

OLD and NEW Days

An old day passes,
a new day arrives.
The important thing
is to make it meaningful.
--- Dalai Lama

- More Mendocino photos -
I still have tide pool and sea cave pictures to share over the next couple of days and then that will be it until next time. :o)

Heading back on the trail we met this couple and asked
"Catch anything?" and he replied
"No, this is a fishing day, not a catching one".
Don't you love that ?!
They were just relaxing and having fun.

A couple of ocean birds. They had bright red-orange beaks.

Submarine Rock. I don't know if they call it that, but it looks like that to me.
So far there has hardly been any rain. I thought I would wake up this morning and it would be pouring, but unfortunately, no. We'll see how the day progresses. Thank you God for the rain.

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