From Unity's Daily Word - December 25th 2010
Christ in me is the hope of glory.
On this Christmas morning, what can I offer the reborn Spirit of Christ within me? I can offer eyes that look for the goodness of God in all people. I can offer hands ready to serve in small and large ways. I can offer feet that will walk in the path of peace and light.
On this Christmas morning, I offer the Christ Spirit within me a mind willing to believe in eternal possibilities. I offer a voice that sings of faith, joy, love and oneness. I offer my cooperation in establishing the kingdom of heaven here on earth.
Celebrating today the birth of Jesus, I find in my heart a new willingness to believe that I can do my part in making Christmas not just one day in the year, but a way of living life.
Know the love of Christ...so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. --- Ephesians 3:19
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