Monday, February 20, 2017

I trust in divine guidance.

I thought I would share from a little Unity pamphlet entitled Wherever You Are God Is.....
It has a writing for each day of the week in addition to other poems and verse.
   We begin with Monday.


In every situation that confronts me, I turn within to my Father; I trust in divine guidance. 

There is a wisdom within you that is capable of guiding you through any difficulty. When you put your faith in its guidance, it will come to your rescue and illumine your darkness. "Your Father knows what you need before you ask him" (Mt. 6:8). If you trust in God, your needs will be perfectly fulfilled.
You do not have to work out your problems alone, for God in you is your sure help and strength from one moment to the next. God is not passively standing by waiting for you; God's loving presence is within you. No matter what your mistakes, God loves you. 
No matter what your plight,
 God will guide you to freedom.
If you have been racking your brain trying to arrive at some decision, quietly trust divine wisdom and give God a chance to show you what is right. If without success you have been trying to overcome some difficulty, stop trying so hard and trust in God to show you the way.
"Thou dost guide me with thy counsel." --- Psalms 73:24

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