Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I am guided and loved, today and everyday.


As I begin this day, I look to You, Lord.  Keep me in all my ways, safe in Your presence, enfolded in Your love.
Guide my feet in the way they should go.  Instruct me with Your "still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12).  Help me to be faithful to Your guidance.  Help me to be calm, unwavering, steadfast is the knowledge that You are in charge and nothing but good can 
come to me and mine.
Love me, Lord, just for today.  I know that You are with me today, supplying all my needs, tenderly upholding me.
Today I walk with You, and you lead me irresistibly to the good you have already prepared for me.
Whatever I need to do today, be with me, Lord.  Wherever I need to go today,
 guide my steps, Lord.
Keep me safe and secure through every moment of the day.  Fill me with Your wisdom; enfold me in Your love; strengthen me with Your power.

"The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you."  --- Numbers 6:24-25

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