Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Autumn is coming !

Mother's parasol
I unfold the dust
of other summers.
--- Ernest J. Berry

This morning as I looked out
 the kitchen window I immediately
 felt autumn coming.  The purple
coneflowers  had that faded look
and tilt that mean times are
changing.  Summer is still here,
 but has had a different feel this
 year I can't define. So far, we
 have had only one stint of over
 100 degree weather here in
Lake county (knock on wood)
for which I am thankful.
Plenty of 92 to 94 degree days,
(actually today was 96)
which are still too hot for my blood,
unless of course you are by the pool
or at the beach!
I think and think for
months and years.
Ninety-nine times,
the conclusion is
false.  The hundredth
time I am right.
--- Albert Einstein

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