Sunday, August 30, 2009


Enjoy your own life without
comparing it with that of another.
--- Marquis de Condorcet

Well here I am! I can't believe it has been 3 months since I last posted and I wanted to get a post in before August ended. I was going to recap since June....actually since April/May, but will do it over the next 2 weeks. I have lots of pictures to share for anyone who cares. Has everyone been pausing this summer to enjoy the little things? (or big for that matter)
The above image was sent via email from my sister-in-law Terri months ago. I love pansies and the beach so isn't it perfect?

My attempt to photograph this lovely butterfly. I don't know if it was a Monarch or Swallowtail, but it was sure fluttering about that day in June.

These were my little skunks that I think were born under one of the sheds. There were 4 of them + the mother. What was funny was they were out and about during the late morning and early evening hours while it was still light! At first I was concerned they were rabid and I was afraid I would encounter them as I fed one of the feral cats, but they pretty much stayed by the sheds. I think that since they were young they didn't want to go to sleep when they should! They were so cute and silly. They would play "fight" and bump up against each other sideways with their beautiful tails straight up in the air.
Although they were cute, thankfully I haven't seen them since the first part of July.

Isn't that tail beautiful? Oops, I just deleted the other skunk pic...darn! I will show in my next post.
These were the last of the sweet peas from the farm stand we got our pumpkins at last autumn.
Since I had several challenges with my health this last spring (more on that later) I totally forgot about them.(I don't know how I could have) Last year, I went by a couple of times a week to pick my own. I had so much fun! They were only 5 cents a stem and I bought dozens and dozens of them each time. The row was long, running north to south in all colors. I barely got these by the time I made it over there. Can you smell them? They are one of my favorite flowers! :o)

The rooster. A story for another post. Enough said.

Ahhh.......the prettiest eggs in a rosebush in my in-laws front yard. This was taken the end of June and I just put my camera up in the air and pointed down and was lucky to get this lovely picture! My mother-in-law told me they hatched 3 days later and were gone before they knew it. She said it was hard to get close to the nest for a picture as the mother mockingbird would dive bomb them whenever they got too near.


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